Chinese smartphone manufacturer recently launched the Xiaomi Mi 4i which is the advanced, full featured device available at the affordable price tag. Its been rumored that the company about to launch the Xiaomi new device which has the Snapdragon 808 Soc Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 SoC. Its the Improved version of Processor than the Mi 4i device.
According to Gizmochina post update, Xiaomi is planning to launch the new device in China and other countries, where Mi 4i hasn’t been made available. New update has been revealed by the Chinese electronic Industry analyst Pan Jiutang on his Weibo account.
Analyst also mentioned that the device will be most probably released by third quarter of the year and may use the Snapdragon 808 Qualcomm Processor. Pan Jiutang also said that the new device will be priced between 1299 Yuan and 1499 Yuan. It’ll be very closer to the Mi 4i price.
Still there is no new about the Device design, Specifications etc. In short Xiaomi is working hard to give one more masterpiece at affordable cost.