Remove comment link from homepage in Blogger

From the Blogger dashboard you can customize your needs based on what you want between the posts. You can add and remove the Author, labels, date, Locations and much more but when it comes to comments it’ll create the problem. When you disable the comment from there, blogger not only removes the comment link from homepage but also disables the comment for the users. Move to the specific blog post and view the affection. So blogger should provide the option to disable the comment links for only homepage such that it does not disable the user comments.
But don’t worry here is the solution !

Move to the blogger dashboard. Template> Edit HTML. But before interacting with template it’s better to Backup it. After that click inside anywhere in HTML. Press ctrl+f to locate the <b:includable id=’comment_count_picker’ var=’post’>
Expand that code from left side Triangle and locate the code shown below.

<a class=’comment-link’ expr:href=’data:post.addCommentUrl’ expr:onclick=’data:post.addCommentOnclick’>

Delete the entire code highlighted in green which is the comment label link code. Save the Template and You are Done !
View the changes in blog.

Thanks and Happy Customization !

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