Collect links online at one place

All the computer geeks or computer savvy people surfing lots of websites everyday. And it becomes tedious task to remember all of the links for a long time. Many of geeks having great potential to remember all the links but lots of users fails to remember all the links.

Kippt is the solution for that. Using the kippt service you can mange your all the website links, stories or notes in one place in effective way and you can access it any time from anywhere. So isn’t it the nice way? Kippt is the web service or website used by many of geeks now a days to remember and manage their links at single place.

To start using Kippt just open the site Kippt and complete the one time free registration process and you are done. Now onwards you can login to your account and you can put your all the favorite urls, notes and inspiration stories at one place. Kippt allows you to share notes and your links or notes collection can be private or public and you can also share it with the people with you work with. So using that web service you can work in group from anywhere with shared work details.
If you are using Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser than Kippt extension or Add-on is also available to simplify the work and by installing it in your browser your browser suggest you a links which is resided in your kippt account. With Kippt extension you can do lot of things like Organize links, Highlight notes, save bookmarks, save current page or link by right-clicking, Search your Kippt links by just typing “k” and pressing space bar.

Just start using Kippt and you’ll surely love it. If you have any questions, feels free to comment bellow.

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